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The Anti-Drug Media Campaign works at a national level to establish and reinforce anti-drug beliefs and behaviors; and also as part of an integrated approach with other Federal, State and local efforts, to prevent and reduce illicit drug use among youth and to support parents in their efforts to keep their children drug-free. Created by Congress in 1998 in response to a rising trend in teen substance abuse, the Media Campaign recognizes the power of advertising targeted to teens and parents to strengthen anti-drug attitudes and behaviors. The Media Campaign uses all available media tools – from TV, radio, print and Web-based advertising, to other means of public communications outreach – and is showing success.

Since 2001, teen drug use has declined overall. Notably, a recent study examining the impact of the Media Campaign’s “marijuana initiative” showed declines in teen marijuana use among the teen target, during a time in which these teens were not exposed to any other similar campaigns or in-school programs (Palmgreen et al., 2007). Additionally, research also shows that teens who were exposed to the Media Campaign’s messages, along with an in-school program, were significantly less likely to smoke marijuana as teens who were exposed to the in-school program alone (Longshore et al., 2005).