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Role of the Baseline Risk Assessment in Superfund Remedy Selection Decisions

The objective of this memorandum is to provide further guidance on how to use the baseline risk assessment to make risk management decisions such as determining whether remedial action under CERCLA Sections 104 or 106 is necessary. This memorandum also clarifies the use of the baseline risk assessment in selecting appropriate remedies under CERCLA Section 121, promotes consistency in preparing site-specific risk assessments, and helps ensure that appropriate documentation from the baseline risk assessment is included in Superfund remedy selection documents.

Please note that any documentation guidance provided in the memorandum is superceded by Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) Part D.

Role of the Baseline Risk Assessment in Superfund Remedy Selection Decisions (PDF) (10 pp, 27 K, About PDF)

Disclaimer: This electronic file contains the text of a policy issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This file has been reformatted to make it available to you in electronic form. Formatting (margins, page numbering, etc.) may be different than the original hard copy to make the document more easily readable on your computer screen. This electronic file is a courtesy copy of the official policy. If any discrepancies are found, the file copy (hard copy original) which resides at the U.S. EPA provides the official policy.


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