Secretary Spellings Statement to Commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.
Archived Information

January 14, 2007
Contact: Trey Ditto
(202) 401-1576

Today, U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings released the following statement to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior, helped our nation learn to live up to its founding ideals. He set an example of selfless service that continues to inspire us today, and I encourage students, parents, and educators to honor his memory by volunteering.

As we celebrate Dr. King's life and achievements, we are also reminded that his dream is not yet realized. Many Americans, especially those from poor and minority families, are denied the opportunity to pursue their goals because they do not have access to a quality education. That's why with No Child Left Behind, our nation made a commitment to have every child learning on grade level by 2014—and thanks to the hard work of students and teachers across our country, we're well on our way to achieving that objective.

President Bush has said that education is the new civil right. To honor Dr. King, we must not only teach our students about his life and legacy. We must equip each and every one of them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Together, we can, and we will.



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Last Modified: 01/16/2007