NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Content with the tag: “lipids

  2. Mineral Surfaces and Life

    Robert Hazen, from NAI’s Carnegie Institution of Washington Team, published his 2005 Presidential Address to the Mineralogical Society of America in this month’s American Mineralogist. The address reviews the role of mineral surfaces on the self-assembly of lipids, the polymerization of amino acids and nucleic acids, and the selective adsorption of organic species, including chiral molecules, onto mineral surfaces.

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  3. Strategies for Evolutionary Success - Sulfolipids

    Researchers from NAI’s University of Rhode Island Team and their colleagues have studied the use of phosphorus vs. sulfur in the membrane lipid sythesis pathways of organisms resident in the ocean’s subtropical gyres. Their data show that the dominant organism in the phytoplankton, a cyanobacterium, has evolved a “sulfur-for-phosphorus” strategy; producing a membrane lipid containing sulfate and sugar instead of phosphate. This adaptation may have been a major event in Earth’s early history when the relative availability of sulfate and phosphate was different than in today’s oceans. Their paper appears in the June 6th issue of PNAS.

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