Economic Development Administration
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Click for larger image Washington, D.C. (April 29, 2009)
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development and Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Affairs and Communications Dennis Alvord delivers opening statement on the status of the implementation of EDA’s funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

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"Register NOW for the 2009 EDA University Center Showcase in the Denver Region, being held June 9-11 in
Denver, Colorado"
Click Here

“Federal Funding Opportunity Now Available for EDA’s American Recovery Program”
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"Federal Funding Opportunity Now Available for EDA’s University Center Economic Development Program"
Click Here

"Federal Funding Opportunity Now Available for
EDA Second Supplemental Disaster Relief Opportunity Appropriation of $400 million"
Click Here

Independent Report Now Available on “EDA’s Construction Grants Program Impact Assessment”
Click Here

"EDA Announces
Excellence in Economic Development Awards 2009"
Click Here

"EDA updates its Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Regulations"
Click Here

"EDA's New Single Application Form"

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Updated 05/12/09
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