The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Carnegie Classifications
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Lookup & Listings

These tools provide access to institution listings and to each institution's summary display, which provides basic descriptive information plus the institution's classification profile.

From any listing, users can:
  • view the institution display by clicking its name
  • sort the listing according to name, control, or location by clicking the column heading
  • filter the listing according to level, control, accreditation, state, region, urbanicity, or population served by clicking "filter results" at the top of the listing
  • render the listing in printer-friendly format (opens in a new window)
  • download the listing in CSV format (which can be opened in a spreadsheet program, such as Excel).
Standard Listings
Generate a list of institutions organized by single classification category. (For a spreadsheet file containing all institutions and all classifications, see Downloads.)
Go to Standard Listings »

Custom Listings
Generate a custom list of institutions by selecting a combination of classifications and categories, using OR logic within each classification (combines categories) and AND logic between them (finds similarly classified institutions across two or more classifications).
Go to Custom Listings »

Institution Lookup
Find a particular institution by keyword or by first letter. In addition to descriptive information and classifications, the institution display offers some custom listing functionality through check boxes and a "find similar" button. However, Custom Listings provides greater flexibility because users can aggregate categories within classifications.
Go to Institution Lookup »

Future Update
Carnegie Foundation to update all-inclusive Classifications in 2010.
Please Note
All-inclusive classifications are time-specific snapshots of institutional attributes and behavior based on data from 2003 and 2004. Institutions might be classified differently using a different timeframe.
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Answers to questions you may have about the Carnegie Classifications.
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