Publication Citation

USGS Series Open-File Report
Report Number 88-729
Title Documentation of a computer program to simulate stream-aquifer relations using a modular, finite-difference, ground-water flow model
Edition -
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Prudic, D. E.
Year 1989
Originating office
USGS Library Call Number (200) R29o no.88-729
Physical description vi, 113 p. :ill. ;28 cm.

Online Document Versions

Currently not available through the USGS Store


Computer models are widely used to simulate groundwater flow for evaluating and managing the groundwater resource of many aquifers, but few are designed to also account for surface flow in streams. A computer program was written for use in the US Geological Survey modular finite difference groundwater flow model to account for the amount of flow in streams and to simulate the interaction between surface streams and groundwater. The new program is called the Streamflow-Routing Package. The Streamflow-Routing Package is not a true surface water flow model, but rather is an accounting program that tracks the flow in one or more streams which interact with groundwater. The program limits the amount of groundwater recharge to the available streamflow. It permits two or more streams to merge into one with flow in the merged stream equal to the sum of the tributary flows. The program also permits diversions from streams. The groundwater flow model with the Streamflow-Routing Package has an advantage over the analytical solution in simulating the interaction between aquifer and stream because it can be used to simulate complex systems that cannot be readily solved analytically. The Streamflow-Routing Package does not include a time function for streamflow but rather streamflow entering the modeled area is assumed to be instantly available to downstream reaches during each time period. This assumption is generally reasonable because of the relatively slow rate of groundwater flow. Another assumption is that leakage between streams and aquifers is instantaneous. This assumption may not be reasonable if the streams and aquifers are separated by a thick unsaturated zone. Documentation of the Streamflow-Routing Package includes data input instructions; flow charts, narratives, and listings of the computer program for each of four modules; and input data sets and printed results for two test problems, and one example problem. (Lantz-PTT)