May 25, 2006: (Once Again) Thornberry Votes to Support Drilling in ANWR Print

(Washington D.C.)
Congressman Mac Thornberry (TX-13) today voted for legislation authorizing oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). H.R. 5429, titled "The American-Made Energy and Good Jobs Act" was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives on a 225-201 vote.

"Families are struggling with high energy prices these days because our government has not taken the steps necessary to produce more energy at home. Utilizing ANWR is a key step we can take toward reducing dependence on foreign oil," said Thornberry.

The section of ANWR's northern coastal plain envisioned for drilling holds what is believed to be the largest deposit of oil in the United States - an estimated 10.4 billion barrels of recoverable crude. However, even though those resources could boost U.S. reserves by 50 percent, drilling backers have long been frustrated in the legislative process. The House has approved such drilling several times in recent years.

The primary obstacle to previous attempts to pass ANWR drilling has been what Thornberry considers "irresponsible scare tactics" by opponents exaggerating environmental concerns. But, he noted, H.R. 5429 is filled with environmental safeguards.  For example:

  • Of the 20 million acres in ANWR, surface area used for energy exploration and production would be limited to a maximum of just 2,000 acres.
  • The Interior Department would have to analyze each proposed drilling site to assess the possible effects of activity on fish and wildlife.
  • A mitigation plan to minimize any significant negative impact would be required.Before leasing could begin, a new environmental impact statement would be required in order to develop regulations for the leasing program.
  • Seasonal limits would be imposed to protect breeding, spawning and wildlife migration patterns.

"With the technology available today, I am confident we will not harm the refuge by making a small portion available for drilling. Instead, what I fear is continuing to fail the American people by not giving them access to their own energy resources," said Thornberry.

The bill includes an export ban requiring that all oil and gas produced in the planned ANWR drilling area stay in the United States. 

The U.S. Department of Energy projects that, at peak production, ANWR could provide approximately 1.4 million barrels of oil per day. (That compares with 1 million barrels a day currently being produced in Texas.) And, there would be other benefits. ANWR oil and gas exploration could create between 250,000 and 1 million new U.S. jobs and would also raise up to $173 billion in federal royalties and tax revenues, according to various estimates. 

H.R. 5429 will now go to the Senate for its consideration.


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