March 1, 2007: Thornberry Supports Secret Ballots for Workers Print

( Washington D.C.)
Congressman Mac Thornberry (TX-13) voted against a House bill that would deny workers a secret ballot in union organizing elections.

"Workers have a right to join a union or not to join a union. I certainly support that right. But, their decision should be a choice they make of their own free will, not under pressure," said Thornberry.

Current law says, when a union seeks to organize a workplace, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) conducts a secret ballot election if the employer, the employees, or the union request one. However, under H.R. 800, a union becomes certified if the majority of a workplace's employees sign check cards. H.R. 800 would also prohibit a secret ballot election if a majority's signatures are collected.

"The right to a secret ballot is a basic, essential right in a democracy. There is no reason this right should not be available to workers when they are deciding whether joining a union is in their best interests."

Thornberry is a supporter of H.R. 866, a bill which would guarantee union workers the right to a democratic, secret ballot election conducted by the NLRB while also prohibiting unions from using the "card check" process which can lead to worker intimidation.

If H.R. 800 makes it to his desk, a veto by President Bush is expected.


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