For Immediate Release
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Contact: Brendan Buck
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Rep. Tom Price's Statement on Obama Address to Congress

Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) issued the following statement following President Barack Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress.

“The urgency and tone we heard from President Obama tonight is appreciated,” said Rep. Price. “The President has offered an ambitious agenda and demonstrated that he recognizes the challenges before us. What American families want tonight are solutions. We must act to renew a spirit of American optimism and set the course for future generations.

“From the economy to health care to our energy policy, the road ahead is difficult. But no challenge is insurmountable when we work together for positive solutions. However, the President must recognize that demanding higher taxes and more government involvement are not the solutions Americans seek. American individuals, families, and businesses are the very foundation of our economic well-being. They know that the legacy of the next four years must not be a bigger government and greater debt.

“Economic growth, health care reform, and energy independence are attainable. I welcome the President’s calls for bipartisan solutions, and call on all to finally work together to achieve solutions that will restore the nation’s prosperity by giving economic freedom back to the American people.”


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