For Immediate Release
Friday, January 23, 2009
Contact: Brendan Buck
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Rep. Price Statement on Proposal from House Republican Economic Working Group

Rep. Tom Price (GA-06) issued the following statement upon the release of a proposal from the House GOP Economic Working Group.

“Meaningful economic growth will only be accomplished through meaningful relief for taxpayers and American businesses,” said Rep. Price. “The proposal put forth today appropriately underscores the idea that tax relief must be the starting point for economic solutions.

“Our immense challenges require bold solutions that will reduce the burdens hindering growth and prosperity. It must be made clear that a massive borrowing and spending plan that only offers a token gesture toward tax relief is not a solution. There are comprehensive proposals that can lift us up without burying our children and our grandchildren in debt. By fully embracing the market principles that provided us our standing in the world, the American people, not our government, will lead us to renewed economic strength.”

The Republican Study Committee has introduced the Economic Recovery and Middle-Class Tax Relief Act, legislation based on three main themes: 1) Support Families through Tax Relief; 2) Provide Economic Relief for American Businesses and Entrepreneurs; and 3) Save Future Generations from a Crushing Debt Burden. For a full summary, click here.


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