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Contractor's Workshop a Success

posted Tuesday, April 4, 2009 by Marion Bunch

Contractor's Workshop

Approximately 20 attended workshop on the Shawnee National Forest.

The Forest hosted a successful workshop for contractors to learn about the contracting process for the federal government with emphasis on working with the US Forest Service. Key information a business or organization needs to know to successfully compete for government contracts and in particular working with the Shawnee National Forest was included in the workshop. Over a four-hour period, information was shared on how to bid on contracts such as trail maintenance, road construction and maintenance, timber management, mowing, surveying, etc. by Contracting Officer Mark Corse.

Shawnee National Forest personnel made individual contacts with the area's radio stations, televisions stations and newspapers to announce the workshop and reach local community contractors. The results were that approximately twenty contractors attended the workshop held in the Forest Supervisor's Office in Harrisburg, Illinois on March 25, 2009.

The hope is that the workshop will result in more local contractors taking the opportunity to bid on Shawnee National Forest contracts. Contractors are one example of the revolutionizing effectiveness and efficiency.