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Habitat for Timberdoodles on the Chippewa NF

posted Tuesday, April 4, 2009 by Melissa Rickers

Woodcock Clearing

The Blackduck Ranger District on the Chippewa has completed four shearing projects to clean brush for woodcock habitat.

Woodcocks, or timberdoodles, are known for their spectacular courtship flights, spiraling straight up into the air, wings whistling and whirring. A good courtship show depends on habitat, and woodcocks need clearings for their singing grounds.

The Blackduck Ranger District on the Chippewa has recently completed four shearing projects to clean brush for woodcock habitat. The sites are located within the Webster Lake and Carter Lake Hunter Walking Trail system. Crews treated 20 acres with 70- to 80- foot strips cut throughout. Forest staff have already been "kicking up" woodcocks at the sites.

Jason Puposky, Blackduck District, notes " this was a fun project with very measurable benefits." The Minnesota Woodcock Society has expressed interest in a site visit and hopes to partner on projects in the future. Visitors to the Blackduck district may want to swing by to wintess the spring dance of the Timberdoodle!