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Job Corps/SCEP Recruits on the Chippewa NF

posted Thursday, April 4, 2009 by Melissa Rickers

Derek Gentry and Xavien Grady taking snowmobile certification class from Mike Mackey, Blackduck RD AFMO

Blackduck welcomes SCEP students to the Chippewa National Forest

Derek Gentry and Xavien Grady came to the Chippewa National Forest in November 2008, after graduating from the Schenck JC Advanced Fire Management Program where they served on the Davidson River Initial Attack Crew. Both Derek and Xavien have been working in a number of program areas helping to complete work and learning as they go. Blackduck RD has a good mentor system in place to help them be successful both at and away from work.

Derek and Xavien have completely won over all District employees with their positive attitude and willingness to take on work. Prior to snow arriving, they spent a number of days collecting fuels inventory information for a planned prescribed fire. They have successfully completed snowmobile certification (neither of them had ever been on a snowmobile!), timber cruising, and attended critical training for the last two weeks at ESRU. They accomplished timber marking and cruising a red pine thinning unit independently. Both of them helped our timber sale administrator inspect active logging operations for a week. The loggers were local to the Blackduck area and invited Derek and Xavien to go bowling one of the nights.

We have experienced a typical Minnesota winter, where Derek and Xavien have spent long days in the field where the temperature never went above zero. The District helped them determine what clothes they would need and even donated some clothes to them. We have heard no complaints about the cold from them, and they complete all jobs safely.

Both Derek and Xavien want to stay in the SCEP program and attend college next fall. Their goal is to earn a Bachelor Degree in Forestry or Fire, then convert to professional employees.