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Hiawatha National Forest Celebrates it's first National Winter Trails Day!

posted Friday, March 3, 2009 by Anne Okonek

Anna Bowers, left, age 5, of Gladstone and Sara DeZeeuw, age 5, from Rapid River, were among those at National Trails Day

Hiawatha National Forest expands it's menu of National Winter Trails Day events

January 10, 2009, almost 200 outdoor enthusiasts (young and old alike) took advantage of the balmy temps, blue skies, and brilliant sunshine to ski and snowshoe at the Rapid River National Cross Country Ski Trail and celebrate National Winter Trails Day. Although National Winter Trails Day has been celebrated for 14 years, this was the first Winter Trails Day on the Hiawatha National Forest.

Sponsored by Brampton Bike and Ski, the Delta County YMCA, and the Rapid River/Manistique Ranger District, Winter Trails Day was designed to encourage folks to get outdoors and enjoy nearby trails. Brampton Bike brought a van load of skis, poles, boots, and snowshoes for youngsters and adults alike, which were available free of charge. Mike Williams, owner of Brampton Bike, and Bill Leveille, volunteer groomer, outfitted participants with the proper gear while Ted Schiltz took groups out onto the trail to teach them the fundamentals of cross country skiing. Others donned shiny new aluminum snowshoes and headed out onto the 1.3 mile snowshoe trail, decorated with fresh snow for the event.

Hot soup and cocoa, cookies, donuts, and a bonfire awaited participants when they returned. Laughter and smiles were the order of the day: everyone seemed to have a great time, and many of the first-timers commented that they planned to try the sports again.

Williams was pleased with how smoothly the event ran and noted that many of those who pre-registered had skied or snowshoed years prior but were anxious to try newer equipment. He was grateful for the opportunity to participate in the event and is already anxious to participate in next year's second annual Winter Trails Day at Rapid River!

Michelle Bowers of Rapid River brought her daughter Anna and friend Sara DeZeeuw, along with Sara's mom Jen to the trail for the afternoon. Anna, who has been cross country skiing since she was 3, was excited to have her friend Sara try skiing for the first time. Both girls had tons of fun skiing and enjoyed the campfire, cookies, and hot chocolate. Skiing was such a positive experience for Sara's family that they purchased cross country ski equipment the next week! And Anna is thrilled that she now has someone her size to ski with!

Bowers went on to say that "the event was a wonderful way to encourage people to get outdoors and discover how fun and enjoyable it can be to stay fit and have fun in the winter! Many people do not realize the outstanding beauty and excellent trail system we have at the Rapid River Ski Trail. It was a great opportunity for those without skis or snowshoes to see if they might like it. And thanks to Mike at Brampton Bike and Ski for providing the equipment!"

The District was pleased to add this new event to its menu of "Leave No Child Inside" programs. Other youth programs which are designed to get kids connected with the outdoors include Kids Fishing Day (which attracts approximately 300 kids each summer and has been running for 18 years), Youth Conservation Corps crew (6 years running, employing 6 high school kids each summer), Pocket Park (6 years running which attracted 1200 kids in 2008), and our Kids in the Woods program which was initiated in 2008.

The District staff supports the Chief's focus of reconnecting kids with the outdoors and is committed to helping kids develop an appreciation for the National Forests.