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Thinking Green and Keeping Warm

posted Friday, January 1, 2009 by Lisa Roper

Recycle & Warm a Heart

The Green Team on the Shawnee National Forest strikes again.

By: Lisa Roper/Cathy Slover

January 16, 2009

In December or 2008, the Green Team on the Shawnee National Forest extended an additional effort in going green by sponsoring a 'Recycle & Warm a Heart' winter coat drive. All Forest employees were challenged to bring in good, used coats, encouraging everyone to recycle an article of clothing that is in great demand this time of year.

Forest employees stepped up to the challenge and collected more than 60 coats, some gloves and warm winter vests. Once the warm clothing was collected it was given to a local collection center for distribution where the need was greatest.

The Green Team - Eva Pontious, Cathy Slover, Lisa Roper, Vicky Nicholson, Monica Neal, Donna Mason and Tyler Van Ormer - is proud to have been able to initiate this effort. They appreciate the participation of employees across the Forest and thank them for their contributions.