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Christmas Trees Auctioned to Support Local Food Pantry

posted Monday, January 1, 2009 by Teena Ligman

The Good Shepherd Tree decorated by Hoosier National Forest employees was auctioned for charity.

Hoosier NF employees decorated a tree for the Bedford Christmas Fantasia, a primary fundraiser for the local food pantry.

Each Christmas organizations, individuals, and businesses sponsor a tree which is auctioned off to raise money for the local food pantry. Each tree has a theme and is brightly decorated with lights and ornaments and has a matching tree skirt. Many have a basket of gifts under their branches. This year's auction raised over $12,000 for the food pantry!

For several years now employees on the Hoosier National Forest have sponsored a tree. Recreation Technician Dave Morris and his wife Annette chaired the event for many years and piqued people's interest in helping out. But a core group has assembled on their breaks and at lunch each year in November to decide on a theme for their tree and how they want to decorate it. It's a labor of love to help the food pantry and give back to their community. It's also a fun way to work together on a shared project.

This year, as in the past, the team worked together to make each of the ornaments. The theme of the tree was "The Good Shepherd's Tree." The top of the tree had a shepherd made of felt who overlooked a tree filled with sheep, stars and shepherd's crooks. The sheep were handcrafted fleece, felt, and cinnamon sticks.

The crooks were cut from wood and decorated with holly and berries. The sparkling wooden stars scattered amongst the branches depicted the night sky. The tree skirt made from felt also featured sheep grazing along the hillside and stars in the night sky.

The group was really proud of its tree which stood in the office lobby for a couple weeks before it was taken to the auction. The day of the auction Bedford had a snow and ice storm and the streets were icy which may have kept many people away. Though crowds were down, the Forest's tree sold well and the money went to buy supplies for the food pantry.

The tree was purchased by two local doctors. We received a note after the holidays from them letting us know how much they loved it and the work that we put into it.

From their note: "As much as we love it, we wanted it to get double duty. We plan to donate the tree to the Border collie Society of America for them to auction off next year to raise money for the rescue of abandoned border collies. While it will be hard to part with the tree, we know that it has the appeal and can earn money for a second good cause."

So that made us all feel doubly good to have helped with two charities! Those who helped with the effort include: Dave Morris who donated the tree, Cherie Stoops who cut out the crooks and stars, Becky Bade who made the shepherd and tree skirt, and Becky Bade, Ron Ellis, Pam Kruse, Teena Ligman, Ruth Siddens, Eric and Cindy Sandeno, and Kelly Weigel who made the sheep. Others donated money to buy supplies.

To all who helped - we appreciate your allowing us to contribute to this worthwhile community effort!