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Hoosier National Forest Remodels Front Office

posted Monday, December 12, 2008 by Teena Ligman

Panoramic view of front office with reception desk and ENFIA sales area.

The visitor area of the Hoosier National Forest has a new friendlier look and the ENFIA outlet has an expanded sales area.

The Hoosier National Forest front office received a facelift this fall and expanded its nature store. The remodeling has made the reception area more visitor-friendly and accessible to all people.

We looked at adding colors that were warmer and had more earth tones, and we lowered the receptionist counter so that it met ADA guidelines. We also had long needed a larger counter area to lay out maps when discussing locations with visitors and the new reception desks accommodates all these traits. It is also more attractive and easier to staff.

The visitor area's nature store has many new items including children's nature books and outdoor items for children and adults alike such as binoculars, butterfly nets, and bug boxes.

Forest Interpreter Stacy Duke explained what some of the more popular new items have been.

"We added the Audubon™ Birds by Wild Republic®, a collection of realistic plush birds with authentic sounds," Duke noted. "We've also got adorable finger and hand puppets of woodland animals that kids just love. They can make up their own nature stories and act them out."

The Forest has an assortment of shirts, hats, and caps from the Hoosier National Forest and even wind chimes and sun catchers. We've also started carrying limestone items unique to the area and note cards with a watercolor painting of Pioneer Mothers. The idea was to have more items that were specific to the Hoosier.

All of the items have an outdoor theme, but some go one step further, Duke noted.

"We have ear rings that are different woodland animals but are made out of recycled materials and incredibly cute. They have really sold well," she said.

Behind the receptionist desk we now have the Forest name in large wooden letters. Dave Morris found a metal Forest Service shield in the old warehouse at Hardin Ridge which we cleaned up and hung with the new letters. Together the shield and letters make a classy addition to the front office. Track lighting spotlights the lettering as well as various ENFIA items in the front office.

The design for the front office was developed by a local firm with input from Mark Corse, Stacy Duke, Ron Doyle, Teena Ligman, Frank Lograsso, Roger Manning, and Ruth Siddens.