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Fire, Forests, and Fun Day Camp

posted Tuesday, October 10, 2008 by Courtney Couch

Students having fun while learning about ladder fuel during a burn experiment on the Clearwater NF.

The Clearwater NF hosted a week-long camp for kids to reconnect them with their environment.

The Fire Prevention specialist from the Clearwater National Forest conducted a week-long day camp entitled "Fires, Forests, & Fun" for elementary aged children last July at the Kamiah Elementary School in Kamiah, Idaho.

Fun was the main objective of the camp. Children participated in many games but also conducted many outdoor science experiments where they learned about fire ecology and effects, archeology, stream ecology, air quality, and 'Leave No Trace' camping. Students also spent a day hiking the Lewis and Clark trail where they learned basic forest ecology and how to identify native plants and trees.

With more time spent taking and preparing for tests, schools have less time during the school year for guest speakers and field trips. This was a fun way to teach a comprehensive natural resource education course to students without taking time away from teachers. In addition, the camp was able to get 20 kids outside for a week.

Even in rural areas such as Kamiah, there has been a significant decrease in the involvement of elementary aged children in outdoor recreation. Research has shown that as kids get more disconnected from the natural world, the rates of depression, diabetes, learning problems, and attention deficit increase.

This week-long camp demonstrates the Forest Service's ongoing commitment to encouraging young people to reconnect with their natural environment where they can re-energize their physical and emotional well-being.