A Message from Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin C. Peterson

In 2008, The U.S. House of Representatives and the United States Senate overrode the President's veto for 14 of the 15 titles of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008, a groundbreaking bill that invests in improved nutrition, conservation, renewable energy and farm programs and includes significant reforms. The new Farm Bill garnered the support of more than one thousand farm, specialty crop, conservation, nutrition, consumer and religious organizations.

The Farm Bill Homepage on the House Agriculture Committee website has detailed the development of the Farm Bill from the beginning of the legislative process. This page contains information about the new law, legislative language, fact sheets on each title, and additional information about how the new Farm Bill will impact farm, nutrition, conservation, and energy policy.

Every American who eats should recognize the importance of farm and nutrition policy in everyday life. The Farm Bill ensures that all Americans have access to a safe, secure and inexpensive food supply and provides a safety net for farmers and ranchers. It also authorizes important nutrition programs, encourages environmentally friendly conservation programs, and supports the development of agriculturally based renewable energy, which will help to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

Live audio and video access to all public hearings and business meetings held by the House Agriculture Committee will be streamed online here.

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