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Disposal of Medical Sharps

Photo: needleThe Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal Exit EPA Disclaimer, comprised of businesses, community groups, nonprofit organizations, and government, is working with the EPA to evaluate and promote alternative disposal methods for used needles and other medical sharps.

Improper management of discarded needles and other sharps can pose a health risk to the public and waste workers. For example, discarded needles may expose waste workers to potential needle stick injuries and potential infection when containers break open inside garbage trucks or needles are mistakenly sent to recycling facilities. Janitors and housekeepers also risk injury if loose sharps poke through plastic garbage bags. Used needles can transmit serious diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis.

Related Publications

Community Options for Safe Needle Disposal (PDF) (8 pp, 590K, about PDF)
Protect Yourself, Protect Others: Safe Options for Home Needle Disposal (PDF) (2 pp, 257K, about PDF) | Chinese Version (PDF) (2 pp, 804K, about PDF)

The Coalition has identified several types of safe disposal programs for self- injectors. Instead of placing sharps in the trash, self-injectors are encouraged to use any of these alternative disposal methods:

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