Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Seminar Detail

    Planets Around Other Stars: Exploring Habitability and Spectral Signatures

    Planets Around Other Stars: Exploring Habitability and Spectral Signatures

    Presenter: Vikki Meadows ()

    January 23, 2007 02:30 PM Pacific

    The search for life outside our Solar System will be undertaken using
    remote-sensing techniques to understand the spectroscopic properties of
    extrasolar planets. To improve our ability to interpret what we might find,
    the Virtual Planetary Laboratory NAI Alumni team uses realistic stellar
    spectra and generalized planetary climate-chemistry models to explore the
    effect of different stellar energy distributions on the atmospheric
    photochemistry and resultant spectra of Earth-like planets.

    In this presentation I will review results to date on the effects on
    atmospheric photochemistry, planetary habitability and the detectability of
    biosignatures for planetary host stars of different spectral type and UV
    activity levels. I will also highlight new modeling results relevant to
    photosynthesis in extrasolar planet environments, and attempts to generate
    "false positive" signatures of atmospheric oxygen, using high incident
    stellar UV radiation and model planets with dense carbon dioxide

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    1) You can watch the Realplayer webcast at: and view the slides in WebEx (see WebEx instructions above) There is a 30 second delay for the webcast, so you will need to control the slides manually using the arrow buttons in WebEx. Questions for the speaker can be posted in the WebEx chat area to be answered at the end of the talk. Do not try to watch the Realplayer webcast at the same time as the Polycom or the phone. Due to the delay in the webcast, it will sound awful, unless you like dissonance.

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