Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Seminar Detail

    Formation of Habitable Planetary Systems: Are We Normal?

    Formation of Habitable Planetary Systems: Are We Normal?

    Presenter: Sean Raymond and Avi Mandell ()

    November 27, 2006 11:00 AM Pacific

    For a planet to be potentially habitable over long timescales, it must 1)
    have a stable orbit in the "habitable zone" (HZ); 2) have sufficient mass to
    sustain plate tectonics and maintain an atmosphere; and 3) have a substantial
    water content. Habitable planets are thought to form from a swarm of rocky/icy bodies in
    circumstellar disks, and it is this process which determines whether these
    "habitability criteria" will be met. We will review this process in the context of the
    formation of Earth and the Solar System, and examine the conditions needed
    to form habitable planets around other stars. Of particular importance is the
    presence and location of giant planets, which form more quickly than terrestrial
    planets and can strongly influence the final stages of terrestrial planet
    formation. We discuss models of terrestrial planet formation in systems with different
    configurations of giant planets, and we derive limits on habitable planet formation that
    suggest that about one third of the known sample of giant planet systems could harbor
    a potentially habitable planet. The formation and final characteristics
    of habitable planets formed in these simulations depend strongly on the
    dynamics of the giant planets, and we predict the existence of a large variety
    in the masses, orbits and compositions of Earth-like planets around other

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