Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Seminar Detail

    Using White Dwarfs to Study Extrasolar Asteroids and Planets

    Using White Dwarfs to Study Extrasolar Asteroids and Planets

    Presenter: Michael Jura ()

    October 24, 2005 11:00 AM Pacific

    White dwarfs cooler than 20000 K have very thin atmospheres. Consequently,
    in these high gravity stars, heavy elements sink and become undetectable on
    a time scale of less than 1000 years. While 75% of cool white dwarfs have
    calcium abundances less than 10^-6 of the Sun's, about 25% of these stars
    have at least some detectable calcium. One model is that white dwarfs with
    metals are accreting them from the interstellar medium. Alternatively, the
    white dwarfs could be accreting from the dust produced by the disintegration
    of comets and the destruction of asteroids. Accretion rates as low as 3
    106 g s^-1, the rate at which dust is manufactured to produce the zodiacal
    cloud in the Solar System are detectable. Infrared emission from the dust
    around white dwarfs can be used to study their circumstellar matter. We
    describe how the previous detection of an infrared excess around the white
    dwarf G29-38 and our recent detection of an infrared excess around GD 362
    can be used to investigate systems of asteroids and planets around these

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