Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Seminar Detail

    High Resolution Imaging of Young Planets

    High Resolution Imaging of Young Planets

    Presenter: Ben Zuckerman ()

    June 27, 2005 11:00 AM Pacific

    Current, state of the art, imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope and
    with adaptive optics on large ground-based telescopes is insufficiently
    sensitive to detect starlight reflected from old cold extrasolar planets.
    However, massive planets with ages less than 100 million years are
    sufficiently self-luminous to be within our grasp now. This talk will
    focus on the first successful infrared imaging detections of extrasolar
    planets and on what can be learned now and in the near future from direct
    imaging of such planets.

    Participation Instructions


    Sites who would like to connect via Polycom MUST notify Diane Hawks at at least three hours before the seminar. If you need Polycom help during the live event, call the videoconferencing helpdesk at (650) 604-6412

    The slides from the seminar can be viewed real-time using WebEx at: <>

    Meeting number: 921 035 642

    Password: 1K*Falcon

    If you've never joined a WebEx meeting before, please allow an extra 5-10 minutes to install the plug-in. Explorer is the recommended browser. Sites without a Polycom system can hear the seminar over the telephone while viewing the slides in WebEx. The NASA conference phone number for this is (877) 891-6023, passcode 381880.

    Alternatively, participants without a Polycom system can view the webcast at: There is a 30 second delay for the webcast, so viewers will need to advance the slides manually in WebEx. Questions can be posted in the WebEx chat area to be answered at the end of the talk.

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