Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Seminar Detail

    The Ring of Life Provides Evidence for a Genome Fusion Origin of Eukaryotes

    The Ring of Life Provides Evidence for a Genome Fusion Origin of Eukaryotes

    Presenter: Maria Rivera ()

    December 7, 2004 02:30 PM Pacific

    The Tree of Life representing the connections among all organisms has
    an icon of evolutionary biology. But recent analyses of completely
    genomes and the discovery that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has
    significantly shaped microbial evolution have challenged the concept of
    Tree of Life. We have determined the general outline of the tree using
    complete genome data from representative prokaryotes and eukaryotes and
    using a new genome analysis method that makes it possible to
    ancient genome fusions and phylogenetic trees even in the presence of
    Our analyses indicate that the eukaryotic genome resulted from a fusion
    two diverse prokaryotic genomes, and therefore at the deepest levels
    prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the tree of life is actually a ring of
    life. One
    fusion partner branches from deep within an ancient photosynthetic
    and the other is related to the archaeal prokaryotes. The eubacterial
    organism is either a proteobacterium, or a member of a larger
    group that includes the Cyanobacteria and the Proteobacteria.

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