Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Seminar Detail

    The Amazon Basin of the Mud World: Dizzying Microbial Diversity at<br />
Guerrero Negro's Salt Mats.

    The Amazon Basin of the Mud World: Dizzying Microbial Diversity at
    Guerrero Negro's Salt Mats.

    Presenter: Ruth Ley ()

    June 9, 2003 12:00 AM Pacific

    Microbial mats are laminated, light-driven microbial ecosystems thought
    to be characteristic of early Earth ecosystems such as those now
    fossilized as stromatolites. We used a culture-independent molecular
    phylogenetic approach to investigate the specific composition of a
    hypersaline microbial mat in Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur,
    Mexico. This study is the first comprehensive survey of the microbial
    diversity as a function of depth performed with molecular methods. I
    will present the results of the 2500 rRNA sequence depth survey of the
    mat, one of the largest environmental surveys conducted to date. The
    overall diversity is exceedingly high, and the consistent dominance
    with depth of the Green Non Sulfur bacteria is unexpected. I will also
    present some of the ongoing imaging of the microbial community
    structure revealed with laser confocal microscopy. This research is
    part of the effort of the NASA Astrobiology Institute´s Ecogenomics
    Focus Group to characterize the hypersaline microbial mats of Guerrero
    Negro biologically and chemically

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