Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Seminar Detail

    GSFC Summer Student Presentations

    GSFC Summer Student Presentations

    Presenter: NAI Students ()

    August 6, 2008 11:00 AM Pacific

    Please join us as this year's students present the results of their summer's research.

    The 2008 Summer Undergraduate Internship in Astrobiology is a ten-week internship in astrobiology held each year at Goddard Space Flight Center.


    Charlotte Carlstrom, Emory University: "Molecular Signatures of Life in Surface Ice and Snow as a Mars Analog"

    Ariel Lewis, Eckard College: "Amino Acids it's in the bag: Using LC-FD/ToF-MS to detect contamination"

    Lorne C. Loudin, Keene State College: "Determining the impactors of the Late Heavy Bombardment: Highly Siderophile Elements and Osmium isotope systematics in the Lunar Impact Melt 76055"

    Nadezhda Radeva, Connecticut College: "A High-resolution spectral survey of Mars at infrared wavelengths: Searching for signatures of life"

    Lily Raines, Eckerd College: "Following the Carbon: Structure, Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Frozen Ethane"

    Kamen Todorov, Connecticut College: "The Atmosphere of Exoplanet HAT-P-1b from Spitzer Space Telescope Observations"

    Participation Instructions

    With a Polycom....RSVP to Marco Boldt ( and connect to WebEx as instructed below. If you need Polycom help during the live event, message Marco Boldt in WebEx.

    The slides from the seminar can be accessed real-time using WebEx at:

    Enter the meeting number: 925 979 579 Hit the "join now" button.

    Enter your name or site name (this is not an assigned log-in name, please use your institution name or your first and last name), email and the password: gsfc123* (case sensitive)

    If you've never joined a WebEx meeting before, please allow an extra 5-10 minutes to install the plug-in.

    Without a Polycom...There are two ways to participate:

    1) You can listen to the seminar on the telephone while viewing the slides in WebEx (see WebEx instructions above). The NASA conference phone number will be displayed when joining the WebEx meeting.

    2) You can watch the Realplayer webcast at: and view the slides in WebEx (see WebEx instructions above) There is a 30 second delay for the webcast, so you will need to control the slides manually using the arrow buttons in WebEx. Questions for the speaker can be posted in the WebEx chat area to be answered at the end of the talk. Do not try to watch the Realplayer webcast at the same time as the Polycom or the phone.

    Click here to view Podcast

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