NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Ask an Astrobiologist
"How come we have not been visited by intellegent life if it does exist? Is it because they cannot travel faster than the speed of light? "
  1. Question

    How would we adapt our current time system for life on other planets?

    The only planets where we have landed and carried on extensive surface exploration are the Moon and Mars. The Apollo astronauts on the Moon stayed for only a few days and kept Houston time, just as do the people on the Space Station. On Mars the situation is more interesting, since a Mars day (called a Sol) is only about an hour longer than an Earth day. The MER rovers depend on sunlight for energy, so their activity must be synchronized with Mars time. As a consequence, the teams of MER scientists and engineers had to adopt Mars time also. They used special clocks and watches that kept Mars time, and they worked in rooms without windows so they would not be confused by the shorter day-night cycle on Earth. This system of keeping Mars time worked best for those who did not have families, since they could more easily get into the new cycle. Those who went home to families every day had more trouble adapting. David Morrison
    NAI Senior Scientist

    February 1, 2007

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