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Explorers Program, Code 410 Home
Announcement of Opportunity
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Scientific investigations (missions) are procured through the Announcement of Opportunity (AO) Process. A single Principal Investigator (PI) leads an Explorer mission investigation teams. The PI may be from any category of U.S. or non U.S. institutions, including educational institutions, industry or nonprofit organizations, or from one of the NASA Centers, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), other federally funded research and development centers, or other U.S. Government agencies. The PI team may be formed from any combination of these institutions. The AO selection of a PI team provides the full authority necessary to contract with all members of that team without further competition for that project. The Explorers Program is continuously releasing new Announcements of Opportunity through the NASA Office of Space Science.

Useful Links
+ NASA Science Plan
+ Science Support Office: Explorers Acquisition

Explorers Program Home Page | History | Missions | Announcement of Opportunity | Management | What's New | Schedule