House Committee on Education and Labor
U.S. House of Representatives

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon
Ranking Member

Fiscally responsible reforms for students, workers and retirees.


Labor Issues


When it comes to our nation’s workforce training programs, accountability for the taxpayer dollar and flexibility for workers and job seekers are principles that guide Committee Republican efforts. 

However, simply spending more money is not the answer to the problems facing American workers. That’s why insisting on accountability and flexibility is essential.  In the 111th Congress, Republicans will not lose sight of this fact.

Press Releases

McKeon Statement on President’s FY 2010 Budget (May 7, 2009)

McKeon Statement on FY 2010 Budget Resolution (April 28, 2009)

McKeon Statement on President’s FY 2010 Budget (February 26, 2009)

Please click here for more Press Releases

Member Views

McKeon op-ed on Regulation, Litigation, and Taxation (December 18, 2007)

Floor Statements

McKeon Statement on the Federal Budget and Student Loans (May 17, 2007)