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HEASARC: Observatories

BBXRT Bibliography

artist concept of BBXRT in the Shuttle bay in flight

* Publication list from ADS

The BBXRT publication list through April, 1999 is the result of a query to the ADS service using the keyword BBXRT. Note: the following link is not section 508 compliant.

* Useful BBXRT References

  • Instrumentation :
    • Serlemitsos, P.J., Petre, R., Glasser, C. and Birsa, F., 1984, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 31, 1
    • Serlemitsos, P.J. et al 1992, "Proceedings of the 28th Yamada Conference of the Frontiers of X-Ray Astronomy", Tokyo, Universal Academy Press, p.221

  • Archive and post Mission overview :
    See article in the Legacy 2 on the archive opening

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