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Rangel talks Economic Recovery in Upper Manhattan.

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How Laws Are Made


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It starts out as just another idea, worked on by a number of staffers across numerous offices – wrought after, revised, debated, and argued for or against – as it works its way from legislative proposal to official statute. The law, and its creation, serves as the foundation of our representative system. Gain particular insight into that story on this page.

Download the entire document.

I. Introduction

II. The Congress

III. Sources of Legislation

IV. Forms of Congressional Action

V. Introduction and Referral to Committee

VI. Consideration by Committee

VII. Reported Bills

VIII. Legislative Oversight by Standing Committees

IX. Calendars

X. Obtaining Consideration of Measures

XI. Consideration and Debate

XII. Congressional Budget Process

XIII. Engrossment and Message to Senate

XIV. Senate Action

XV. Final Action on Amended Bill

XVI. Bill Originating in Senate

XVII. Enrollment

XVIII. Presidential Action

XIX. Publication