Upcoming Cases

Court to review money damages class action case (May 4, 2009)

The Supreme Court has agreed to weigh in on a state legislature’s power to bar federal courts from ruling on class action cases that are based on state law claims. More...

Justices take RICO lawsuit about online tobacco sales (May 4, 2009)

The Supreme Court has agreed to rule on a city’s right to sue under federal anti-racketeering law for a failure to pay city taxes. More...

Court to tackle life imprisonment for juvenile offenders (May 4, 2009)

Case Reference: Sullivan v. Florida

The Supreme Court will hear two cases from Florida next term dealing with minors sentenced to life in prison for committing crimes other than murder. More...

Justices accept case on Albanian immigrant who overslept, missed deportation hearing (April 27, 2009)

Case Reference: Kucana v. Holder

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to rule on whether the 2005 REAL ID Act strips courts of jurisdiction over discretionary decisions made by the Board of Immigration Appeals. More...

Court takes new bankruptcy case (April 27, 2009)

Case Reference: Schwab v. Reilly

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case seeking clarification on the estimated value of assets in bankruptcy filings. More...

Recently Decided

Court rules in arbitration dispute involving non-parties to an agreement (May 4, 2009)

The Supreme Court held today that the Federal Arbitration Act gives federal circuit courts jurisdiction to rule on the denial of compelled arbitration motions by non-parties to the agreement. More...

Justices back Shell, railroads in dispute over who pays for cleanup at a Superfund site (May 4, 2009)

The Supreme Court gave a win to Shell Oil Co. and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp. in an 8-1 ruling today, holding the U.S. More...

Court tackles split over appellate review issue (May 4, 2009)

The Supreme Court ruled today that a remand order can be appealed, even if the judge returned the case after declining to rule on the state-law claims when finding that the federal claim was insuff More...

Unanimous court rules in “aggravated” identity theft case (May 4, 2009)

Case Reference: Flores-Figueroa v. U.S.

The Supreme Court held today that the government must show that a defendant had actual knowledge that the means of identification he or she was using belonged to another person in order to prove ag More...

Justices back enhanced sentencing requirements (April 29, 2009)

Case Reference: Dean v. U.S.

The Supreme Court held today that a federal law imposing an enhanced sentence for firing a gun during a drug crime or other violent crime applies even if the gun was fired accidentally or involunta More...

Browse Cases by Term

The Supreme Court Term begins on the first Monday in October of each year. It ends exactly one year later when a new Term starts.

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