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A software tool for visualization of MISR and AirMISR data files, misr_view, was developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. misr_view, which includes a User's Guide, is available for download free of charge from the Open Channel Foundation.

misr_view is a graphical user interface display and analysis tool for use with many types of MISR and AirMISR data. It is written in IDL and it is specifically designed for use with those MISR and AirMISR files that use the HDF-EOS "grid" interface. These data include MISR L1B2 georectified (map-projected) radiance, MISR L1B3 radiometric cloud masks, all MISR Level 2 geophysical products, the MISR Ancillary Geographic Product, and AirMISR L1B2 georectified radiances. For MISR data, the user interface provides data selection for specified orbits, paths, or observation dates, and enables translation between these modes of identification. The interface to AirMISR data is simplified. The display and analysis tools include simultaneous display of several data planes through color assignment, contrast enhancement, data value query, image rotation, creation of stereo anaglyphs, zooming, and linked analysis and view windows.

misr_view can be run either with a licensed version of the IDL package or by using the IDL Virtual Machine application. The IDL Virtual Machine is a free runtime version of IDL available from ITT Visual Information Solutions at misr_view 5.3 requires version 6.3 of IDL or the IDL VM.

misr_view has been developed by the Visualization and Earth Science Applications Group of the Image Processing Applications and Development Section at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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