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Tuesday, May 12, 2009  
your success is our business

Business assistance

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goDevelop/manage your business
Missouri Small Business & Technology Development Centers (MO SBTDC): providing business counseling and training to help both existing and start-up businesses.
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  Existing Business Resources
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goTechnology assistance
MoFAST specialists help with technological competitiveness, including supporting access to government R&D (SBIR/STTR) awards.
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goSelling to the government
Missouri Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (MO PTAC): selling to federal, state and local government entities.
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goFind a job
Career Options Project: dislocated workers and others can obtain information on occupations and training

goSave $ using green practices
Environmental Programs: showing businesses how to save money by reducing waste, understand regulations and use recycled materials.

goMake a film in Missouri
Missouri Film Office: helping filmmakers in Missouri with needs such as scouting, pre-production and liaison via a strong network of local contacts


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Jump start learning

Get a jump start on your entrepreneurial dream! Find answers to your often asked questions in these free jump start modules:

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Order your Small Business Start Up Kit

Other programs and resources

How we help

The University of Missouri Extension's business program helps Missouri's entrepreneurs succeed in private enterprise and promotes the economic development of the state of Missouri. It performs this vital service through a network of business counselors located throughout the state. [more]

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Featured entrepreneur

Nanoparticle BioChem Inc.
Columbia, MO

Kavita Katti of NBI in the lab
The MU business development team of specialists has proved to be a valuable resource for the research team at Nanoparticle Biochem. Dr. Henry White, president and CEO says, "The role played by MO SBTDC counselors has been critically important to our success. Their expertise and assistance have provided new opportunities for funding, and for job creation."

Rep. Ike Skelton Procurement Conference; click for more info


University of Missouri Extension  
last revised: April 21, 2009