Career Options Project  

Missouri Career Center

Missouri Division of Workforce Development/University of Missouri Extension Career Options Project

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About the Career Options Project

The Career Options Project helps dislocated workers and others to find information on occupations, financial aid and training.

Resources include:

  • Missouri Career Information Hotline
    Provides information on education, training financial aid, internet job listings and job hunting. The hotline has become an avenue for better facilitating the sharing of information among local Workforce Investment Areas, other state agencies, and University of Missouri Extension. Accessed statewide on the toll-free number 1-800-392-2949

  • Career Options Workshops
    Offered to dislocated workers, these one or two day workshops include information on: exploration of work values, career interests, transferable skills, resume writing, writing cover letters, job interviewing, completing job applications, networking and job search strategies and methods.

  • FastTrac NewVenture Workshops
    "Starting your own Business"
    By attending a workshop, dislocated workers will develop helpful relationships, discover whether life as an entrepreneur is right for them and lay the groundwork for their future business ventures. FastTrac workshops are conducted over five days within a one to two week time period. Each day includes five-six hours of teaching time with additional contact time included for meals and networking activities.


Co-sponsored by University of Missouri Extension
and the Missouri Dislocated Worker Program.
Funded through the Missouri Division of Workforce Development.
University of Missouri Extension

University of Missouri Extension does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability or status as a Vietnam-era veteran in employment or programs.