U.S. Department of Justice
  Executive Office for United States Trustees

Office of the Director Washington, D.C. 20530
July 18, 1996


FROM: Kevyn D. Orr
Deputy Director
SUBJECT: New Handbook Provisions for Standing Trustees

     We have received several inquiries from standing trustees
about whether the enclosed New Handbook Provisions for Standing
Trustees are currently in effect. As you know, these Provisions
incorporate the numerous comments received during our long
comment period. If you have not already done so, please forward
them to the standing trustees in your region to clarify any
concerns about their effectiveness.

     We should emphasize that these provisions are interim
revisions pending an update of the Handbooks for Chapter 13 and
Chapter 12 Standing Trustees (published in 1991 and 1992

     Standing trustees should also be advised that all provisions
are effective for the 1997 budget year except the following:

5. Employee Salaries - to be fully implemented by
October 1, 1998

6. Employee Benefits - to be fully implemented by
October 1, 1998

10. Training Expenses - effective for the 1998 budget
year; however, may be implemented in FY 1997 at
standing trustee's request.

Your cooperation is appreciated. Thank you.


cc:  Standing Trustee Coordinators