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Gulf of Mexico Atmospheric Composition and Climate Study (GoMACCS)

Image representing the MISR project.

Gulf of Mexico Atmospheric Composition and Climate Study (GoMACCS) is an intensive field study focused on providing a better understanding of the sources and atmospheric processes responsible for the formation and distribution of ozone and aerosols in the atmosphere and the influence that these species have on the radiative forcing of climate regionally and globally, as well as their impact on human health and regional haze. The study area encompasses Texas and the northwestern Gulf of Mexico.

The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) team defines the GoMACCS region by the lat/lon coordinates 24N - 32N, 100W - 84W which corresponds to MISR Paths 15 - 31 and Blocks 64 - 72.

Imagery Data Documentation Relevant Links
True-color AN: July 31, 2006, orbit 35202, path 15.

Available Products: Browse | Site Data | Cloud/Aerosol | Regional Summary

For convenience in ordering the GoMACCS specific data products, select the Description or Shortname in the data tables below.

Browse and Geometric Products
Description Shortname Documentation
Color browse image for each camera, 2.2 km resolution. MISBR  
Geometric parameters - sun and view angles. GOMIGEO Quality Statements

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Local Mode Radiances (GOMACCS sites)
Description Shortname Documentation
Top of Atmosphere (TOA) radiance, ellipsoid projected for specific 300 km by 360 km GOMACCS sites. MB2LME Quality Statements
TOA radiance, terrain projected for specific 300 km by 360 km GOMACCS sites. MB2LMT

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Subset Radiance, Aerosol, Cloud, and Surface Products
Description Shortname Documentation
TOA radiance, ellipsoid projected. GOMIB2E Quality Statements
TOA radiance, terrain projected. GOMIB2T
Stereoscopically-derived cloud product. GOMI2ST Quality Statements
Land surface product. GOMI2LS Quality Statements
Aerosol product. GOMI2AE

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Regional Summary Products
Description Shortnames Documentation
TOA Radiances as Daily and Monthly averages MI3DRDR, MI3MRDR Quality Statements
Land Surface products as Daily and Monthly averages MI3DLSR, MI3MLSR
Aerosol products as Daily and Monthly averages MI3DAER, MI3MAER

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GoMACCS Local Mode Sites
Location Path Block
Cameron_LA 23, 24 65-71
Gulf_Shelf_E 19, 20, 21 65-72
Gulf_Shelf_W 22 65-71
Houston 25, 26 65-71
La_Copita 27 64-71
MISR Local Mode Sites (View Larger Image)
MISR Local Mode Sites; larger image opens in a new window.

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