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U.S. EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment (Final Report)


EPA is announcing the final report, EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment (EPA 2008 ROE), a science-based report that answers questions about recent trends in human health and the environment.

The Environmental Protection Agency's 2008 Report on the Environment, also referred to as the EPA 2008 ROE, provides the American people with an important resource from which they can better understand trends in the condition of the air, water, land, and human health of the United States.

This report uses scientifically sound measures, called indicators, to address fundamental questions relevant to the EPA’s mission to protect the environment and human health. To accomplish its mission to protect human health and the environment, EPA must pay close attention to trends in the condition of the Nation’s environment. This kind of information, which is captured in EPA’s 2008 ROE, can help EPA to prioritize its work and to focus on human health and ecological activities that can lead to improvements in the conditions of the Nation’s environment.

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Cover of the EPA's 2008 Report on the EnvironmentThe EPA 2008 ROE is an update of the draft ROE that was released in 2003 and it builds on the foundation of that draft report. EPA’s first experience with the 2003 ROE resulted in a better understanding of which indicators are robust enough to include in the EPA 2008 ROE. EPA was committed to identifying the best available set of scientifically sound indicators for the EPA 2008 ROE in an open and transparent manner. Because of this commitment, the Agency took the extraordinary step of having all of the proposed indicators independently externally peer reviewed in a public forum to determine if each proposed indicator was supported by data that were technically sound, met the established indicator definition and criteria, and helped answer the questions posed in the EPA 2008 ROE. After that step, an external review draft of the full EPA ROE was subjected to an independent external peer review, as well as public review and comment. This level of thorough and rigorous for external review serves to reinforce EPA’s commitment to obtaining independent expert input on this document and to an open and participatory public process for the development of this report.

The EPA 2008 ROE offers a unique opportunity to EPA to frame a discussion about the Agency’s strategic planning from the perspective of ultimate environmental outcomes, using the best available, most scientifically sound measurement approaches. The EPA 2008 ROE could also lead to new indicators, new monitoring strategies and new programs and policies in areas EPA determines to be highly important based on measured environmental trends.

EPA is also producing a Highlights of Conditions and Trends document, which summarizes the findings of the EPA 2008 ROE in an easier to understand format. The Highlights Document is expected to be publicly available later in the year.

EPA is committed to releasing periodic updates of the ROE so that information on environmental conditions and trends can be provided to interested members of the American public.


Jun 2003EPA published the Draft Report on the Environment (ROE) -Technical Document in 2003.
Jun 2005EPA held an external peer review meeting on the proposed indicators for EPA’s 2007 ROE TD.
Jul 2005EPA held a public peer review workshop on the proposed indicators.
Oct 2005EPA announced a second public peer review and public comment period for additional and updated proposed indicators for EPA’s 2007 ROE - TD.
Feb 2006EPA hosts an Agency review of the draft document, EPA’s 2007 ROE - TD. In Feb 2006, we release the EPA response to the peer review comments.
Mar 2006EPA releases the updates to the Indicators and the External Peer Review Comments with EPA's Response to Comments.
Oct 2006EPA hosts an Interagency review of the draft document, EPA's 2007 ROE - TD.
April 2006EPA renames the report from Technical Document to Science Report.
May 2007EPA released the draft EPA's 2007 ROE: Science Report for a public review and comment.
Jul 2007EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) hosted a public teleconference and public meeting of the SAB Panel for the Review of EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment. The teleconference and meeting were held to conduct a peer review of the EPA's draft Report on the Environment 2007: Science Report.
Oct 2007EPA hosts a public teleconference of the SAB Panel for the Review of EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment.
Jan 2008EPA hosts a Report on the Environment Expert Panel Meeting in Washington, DC.
May 2008EPA releases the final report, EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment (EPA 2008 ROE).
Sept 2008EPA releases the finalized eROE Web site with links to the Highlights report and the ROE Database.

Next Steps

This is the final report.

Downloads/Related Links


U.S. EPA. U.S. EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment (Final Report). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/R-07/045F (NTIS PB2008-112484).
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