National 4-H Headquarters, USDA logo

National 4-H Headquarters, CSREES, USDA

 Name & Emblem
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4-H Name and Emblem Regulations

The 4-H Name and Emblem are protected under federal statute Title 18, U.S. Code 707. This provides the 4-H Name and Emblem with the level of protection afforded other Federal marks, such as the Seal of the President of the United States. Regulations on the use of the 4-H name and emblem state:

Whoever, with intent to defraud, wears or displays the sign or emblem of the 4-H clubs, consisting of a green four-leaf clover with stem, and the letter H in white or gold on each leaflet, or any insignia in colorable imitation thereof, for the purpose of inducing the belief that he is a member of, associated with, or an agent or representative for the 4-H clubs; or

Whoever, whether an individual, partnership, corporation or association, other than the 4-H clubs and those duly authorized by them, the representatives of the United States Department of Agriculture, the land-grant colleges, and persons authorized by the Secretary of Agriculture, uses, within the United States, such emblem or any sign, insignia, or symbol in colorable imitation thereof, or the words "4-H Club" or "4-H Clubs" or any combination of these or other words or characters in colorable imitation thereof --

Shall be fined not more than $5,000 for individuals and $10,000 for groups, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

The Using the 4-H Name & Emblem guide is a quick reference handout that discusses many of the important guidelines about appropriate and legal use of the 4-H name & emblem. (PDF)

Download Official Emblems
Emblem graphics files for many uses - you must have proper authorization to use these emblem graphics.

Application for Use
Information and forms to apply for approval to use the 4-H name and emblem.

Granting Authorization to use the 4-H Name and Emblem
Fact sheet (PDF) describing authorization policies and procedures.

4-H Name and Emblem Authorization Continuum
Table (PDF) describing appropriate purposes for authorization, MOU's and chartering.

See also...

Policies and Regulations

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The 4-H Name & Emblem are protected under 18 USC 707 - Updated February 6, 2007