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Ocean sciences
Sciences involved in the study of geological, biological, chemical, and physical characteristics and processes of the oceans.
Paleoceanography (4 items)
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Results 1 - 36 of 36 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
PDF Beyond the Golden Gate--oceanography, geology, biology, and environmental issues in the Gulf of the Farallones [New Window]
A geologic and oceanographic study of the waters and Continental Shelf of Gulf of the Farallones adjacent to the San Francisco Bay region. The results of the study provide a scientific basis to evaluate and monitor human impact on the marine environment.
PDF A science strategy to support management decisions related to hypoxia in the northern Gulf Of Mexico and excess nutrients in the Mississippi River Basin [New Window]
The report describes a strategy for monitoring, modeling, and research activities to support management decisions to improve water-quality conditions in the Mississippi River Basin, reduce hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and improve conditions for
Bedform sedimentology [New Window]
Bedform sedimentology home page with links to information on sedimentary structures including, explanatory text, computer-generated images and movies, photographs, and bedform simulation software.
Bering and Chukchi Sea databases bathymetry coverages [New Window]
Downloadable files of digital bathymetry of U.S. waters, the Bering and Chukchi Seas, Bering Strait, and Gulf of Anadyr in polygon ARC/INFO. Coverage generated from both digital and paper bathymetry sources developed to support marine research.
Center for Coastal & Watershed Studies - St. Petersburg/Tampa, Florida [New Window]
Homepage for the Florida Center for Coastal & Watershed Studies in St. Petersburg, Tampa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands with links to a newsletter Sound Waves, research projects by area and topic, publications, data sets, news, and contacts.
Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG) InfoBank [New Window]
Access to InfoBank, an online data catalog, to browse or retrieve coastal and marine geology program information, images, and data on gravity, bathymetry, seismic activity, magnetics, samples, facilities, cruises and equipment.
Coastal change hazards digital library [New Window]
Online catalog of reports and data on coastal change hazards, indexed by author, agency, project, location, feature type, and topic
Community model for coastal sediment transport [New Window]
Description of the National Community Sediment-Transport Model (NCSTM), an open source numerical model for sediment transport in coastal regions.
Content metadata standards for marine science: a case study [New Window]
Describes the content metadata standard used by the Marine Realms Information Bank, a distributed geolibrary that catalogues and provides access to information about marine, coastal, and lake environments.
Cross-bedding, bedforms,and paleocurrents [New Window]
The on-line version of Cross-Bedding, Bedforms, and Paleocurrents, with computer images, photographic images, and text.
Diatoms: applications [New Window]
Use of diatoms in biostratigraphy, coastal and estuarine studies, paleoceanology, paleoliminology, earthquake studies, environmental quality and forensic studies. Includes listing of USGS diatom projects and links to other diatom websites.
Digital library: USGS Monterey Bay science [New Window]
Online catalog of scientific reports and data around and about Monterey Bay, California, indexed by author, agency, project, location, feature type, and topic
GLORIA Mapping Program [New Window]
GLORIA is a digital sidescan sonar capable of producing digital image maps of the sea floor from reflected sound waves. Site includes description of digital processing, mosaicking, and links to samples of image maps.
Global inventory of natural gas hydrate occurrence [New Window]
This updated global inventory reports on natural gas hydrate recovered or inferred from geophysical, geochemical, or geological evidence. Includes links to world location maps, inventories, references and posters. Also in PDF format files.
Global sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration: data display software [New Window]
Downloadable data with software showing composite average ocean characteristics (sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration). Includes documentation, source code, data, and executable programs for Linux and Microsoft Windows.
Gulf of Maine internet map [New Window]
Gulf of Maine regional overview interactive map depicting research activities of the U.S. Geological Survey showing surficial sample sites, bathymetry, continental margin and coastal areas.
Gulf of the Farallones disposal issues: disposal and waste disposal [New Window]
Study of the effects on the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary resulting from the disposal of San Francisco dredged material and barrels of low-level radioactive waste with links to publications and atlas with digital images.
Long Island Sound [New Window]
Long Island Sound interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
Marine Realms Information Bank: topic search, geographic search [New Window]
Searching by geography and topics to locate scientific information about oceans, lakes, marine environments and coastal environments.
Marine research publications [New Window]
Bibliography of publications relating to the research of the United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA dating from 1962 to the present with links to publications that are online. Listed by series and with a free text search option.
Marine reserves and biological habitats: Monterey Bay, California [New Window]
Brief description of the research program to inventory the natural resources of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary with links to cruises, and publications and products, including an internet map server, imagery, and geologic descriptions.
Mollusks [New Window]
Information on mollusks and uses of the identification of fossil mollusks in the fields of biostratigraphy, geochronology, paleocoeanography, paleoecology and ecosystems history. Links to experts and related USGS projects.
Moored time series data [New Window]
Oceanographic time-series data obtained from moored instruments, generally provided in NetCDF format.
Natural Hazards - Tsunamis [New Window]
News and related information focusing on the importance of tsunami hazards in the United States.
Report of the Community Sediment Transport Modeling Workshop [New Window]
Report on workshop to explore a community approach to improving deterministic models of sediment transport in coastal seas, estuaries, and rivers.
San Francisco Bay bathymetry web site [New Window]
Provides location-depth grids of bathymetry available for San Francisco Bay and tools for examining those grids. Data provided as GIS grids and animations.
Satellite imagery: Lake Pontchartrain Basin and Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Report on satellite imagery collected by the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on NOAA polar-orbiting weather satellites. Links are provided to imagery of north-central Gulf of Mexico and of the Lake Pontchartrain.
Sediment Transport Instrumentation Facility [New Window]
The Sediment Transport Instrumentation Facility at USGS Woods Hole Field Center maintains and deploys oceanographic instrumentation for the study of coastal and ocean circulation and sediment transport.
Sound waves [New Window]
Monthly online newsletter covering coastal and marine science with links listed under sections titled fieldwork, meetings, outreach, and research.
Studies in Long Island Sound: geology, contaminants, and environmental issues [New Window]
Description of Long Island Sound projects and links to research topics, data, publications, photos, and technology on sediment transport, sea floor mapping, contaminant sampling, sediment texture, and environmental issues.
The Marine Realms Information Bank family of digital libraries: Access to free online information for coastal and marine science [New Window]
An introduction to three related USGS digital libraries: the general-purpose Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB); the regionally focused Monterey Bay Science (MBS) Digital Library; and the topically focused Coastal Change Hazards (CCH) Digital Library.
The role of climate in estuarine variability [New Window]
Article from American Scientist on study of the San Francisco Bay estuary as a component of the global climate system showing that natural fluctuations might be mistaken for anthropogenic trends affecting waterflow and salinity.
The sea-floor mapping facility at the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Field Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts [New Window]
Fact sheet on the sea-floor mapping facility at Woods Hole describing state-of-the-art technology used to produce accurate geologic maps of the sea floor and reporting on its data-acquisition, data-processing, and archiving capabilities.
U.S. Atlantic East Coast [New Window]
Atlantic East Coast interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
Western Region Coastal and Marine Geology Program [New Window]
Site for Western Region Coastal and Marine Geology Program conducting scientific research in the coastal and offshore areas of California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, and other U.S. Pacific Islands.
Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Geology Field Center [New Window]
Site with links to projects of the field center of the Woods Hole Coastal Marine Geology Program on underwater areas between shorelines and the deep ocean, off the U.S. East Coast, the Gulf of Mexico, and in parts of the Caribbean and Great Lakes.

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