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Theodore Roosevelt National ParkMule Deer
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Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Wildlife Viewing

"...lands, where the ground is roughest, and where there is some cover, even though scattered and scanty, are the best places to find the black-tail (mule deer)."     Theodore Roosevelt


Theodore Roosevelt National Park has abundant watchable wildlife. What you see depends on the season, your patience and luck. Binoculars are helpful, but not essential.

Remember: all wildlife in the park are wild and potentially dangerous. Keep a safe distance from all wildlife. Some animals like bison, feral horses, and prairie dogs may seem tame, but they are wild animals and can be dangerous. People who get too close to them may be gored by antlers and horns, trampled by hooves, or bitten by sharp teeth. One should not get closer than 100 yards to bison and feral horses or closer than 25 yards to other wildlife. Use binoculars, spotting scopes, or telephoto lenses for safe viewing and to avoid disturbing them. If an animal moves away from you as you approach, you are too close! Respect all wildlife. The park is their home.


  • Keep pets in your vehicle. Pets may scare wildlife, and wild animals can hurt pets.
  • Use of wildlife calls and spotlights is illegal. They stress animals and alter their natural behavior.
  • Drive slowly. Watch for animals crossing the road. Deer, elk, pronghorn, and feral horses are seldom alone. If you see one animal, look for others that may follow.

Below is a list of some of the animals you might find in the park and some guidelines for where and when to look. What will you discover on your visit?

Bison Bison roam throughout the North and South units of the park. They should be given a wide berth if met along the trail. Check at park visitor centers for areas bison frequent and where they have been recently sighted.
Mule Deer Most often seen between dusk and dawn anywhere along the park road in open areas. They usually seek shade in dense juniper groves during the heat of the day.
White-tailed Deer Prefer thick wooded areas and river bottomlands and may be seen in the campgrounds and picnic areas in the evening and early morning hours.
Elk In the South Unit only, elk are most often seen feeding in early morning or evening on open grassland sites in the Buck Hill area and in the southeastern quarter of the park visible from I-94. Elk generally seek the shade of hardwood and juniper draws during the day.
Feral Horses Wild feral horses inhabit the South Unit only. They are often visible from the Scenic Loop Drive and from I-94. Horses seen in the corrals at Peaceful Valley Ranch belong to the park's trail ride concession.
Longhorns North Unit only. In mornings and evenings, usually found drinking water at the bison corral located at the end of the service road spur that begins at mile marker 2.5. Check beneath cottonwoods along river during the heat of the day.
Pronghorns Seldom seen in the North Unit. Often sighted in the open fields along U.S. Highway 85 and near the north boundary in the South Unit.
Coyotes These wild canines are more often heard than seen. They usually howl once night falls and may be seen in prairie dog towns or in the early morning hours running across the park road.
Bobcats Consider yourself very lucky if you see a bobcat! Only a few are seen each summer. Look for them on the barren rocky slopes, especially at night.
Badgers Badgers feed on rodents and are most often seen in or near prairie dog towns at dawn or dusk.
Beavers These aquatic rodents may be seen in the North Unit's Squaw Creek and along the Little Missouri River.
Porcupines Porcupines are often found in trees and bushes feeding on twigs and the trees' cambium. They come to the ground more often at night and are frequently observed along the park roads.
Prairie Dogs The park road passes through three large prairie dog towns in the South Unit. No dog towns can be seen from the North Unit road; the nearest is a one-mile hike from the Caprock-Coulee parking area - be sure to follow the signs.
Golden Eagles Always check the sky for glimpses of soaring golden eagles along the Little Missouri River floodplain and at the North Unit's River Bend Overlook.
Birds Many different species of birds inhabit the park campgrounds where there is plenty of food and shelter in the thick brush and trees adjacent to the Little Missouri River. Mornings and evenings provide the best viewing times. It's also good birding where two habitat zones meet such as the edge of the trees and the grasslands.
Snakes Snakes, including the poisonous prairie rattlesnake, are frequently observed in the evening warming themselves on the paved surface of the road. During the hot daytime hours, they typically seek shade under bushes and rocks or in burrows.
Questions? If you have any questions about viewing wildlife, please stop in any of the visitor centers and ask a ranger. Please remember to view wildlife from a safe distance. All wildlife is protected in the park and cannot be hunted, fed or harassed. Come often and enjoy the unique opportunity to view wildlife in their natural habitat!

Prairie Dog  

Did You Know?
Prairie dogs are often persecuted for their apparent destructiveness to the plants in their towns. Although they do keep the grass's growth to a minimum, the rodent's foraging habits promote the growth of forbs, upon which other grazing animals such as bison, elk, deer, horses, and pronghorns feed.

Last Updated: February 10, 2009 at 16:37 EST