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Joint Coordinating Committee for Radiation Effects Research
All About JCCRER
What is the JCCRER?
Why is it Important?
DOE's Russian Health Studies Program
Principal Areas of Cooperation Under JCCRER Agreement
JCCRER Members
U.S. Members
Russian Members
Role of U.S. JCCRER
Executive Committee Members
U.S. Members
Russian Members
Scientific Review Group
U.S. Members
Russian Members
Current Russian Participants in JCCRER Program
Projects in Russian Health Studies Program
Completed Projects in Russian Health Studies Program
Health and Safety
HSS Logo

Joint Coordinating Committee for Radiation Effects Research (JCCRER)

blue dot bullet All About the Joint Coordinating Committee for Radiation Effects Research
  - What is the JCCRER?
  - Why is it important?
  - DOE's Russian Health Studies Program
blue dot bullet Principal Areas of Cooperation Under the JCCRER Agreement
blue dot bullet JCCRER Members
  - U.S. Members
  - Russian Members
  - Role of U.S. JCCRER
  - Executive Committee Members
- U.S. Members
- Russian Members
  - Scientific Review Group
- U.S. Members
- Russian Members
blue dot bullet Current Russian Participants in JCCRER Program
blue dot bullet Projects in the Russian Health Studies Program
blue dot bullet Completed Projects in the Russian Health Studies Program

What is the JCCRER?

JCCRER is the Joint Coordinating Committee for Radiation Effects Research. This is a bilateral Government committee representing agencies from the United States and the Russian Federation tasked with coordinating scientific research on the health effects of exposure to ionizing radiation in the Russian Federation from the production of nuclear weapons.

Why is the JCCRER important?

Jointly conducting radiation research with the Russian Federation provides a unique opportunity to learn more about possible risks to groups of people from long-term exposure to radiation. This could include people receiving exposure from uranium mining, operation of nuclear facilities, transport and disposal of radioactive materials, testing and dismantling nuclear weapons, radiation accidents, and grossly contaminated sites or facilities.

In 1948, the Soviet Union established a nuclear weapons production complex called the Mayak Production Association (Mayak) in the Southern Urals about 100 km (60 miles) northeast of the city of Chelyabinsk. Enormous amounts of radioactive materials were released into the environment after a series of accidents and poor management practices at the Mayak complex between 1948 and 1967. As a result, thousands of square kilometers have been contaminated and hundreds of thousands of people have received significant radiation exposures. Furthermore, because of limited and inadequate (by today's standards) radiation protection measures and procedures, thousands of Mayak workers were seriously overexposed to radiation.

Most of our knowledge of health effects and risks associated with radiation exposures is based on studies of atomic bomb survivors in Japan. The atomic bomb survivors, however, were exposed to a very short burst of external radiation, unlike the pattern of exposure normally encountered or expected in the nuclear industry and in other uses of radiation. The people in the Southern Urals, on the other hand, experienced chronic exposures over a much longer period. The exposures were also from both external radiation and internally deposited radioactive compounds. Definitive studies on the Southern Urals populations, coupled with comparisons with U.S. nuclear worker data, may prove to be a key factor in future reassessments of radiation protection standards and regulations in the United States and worldwide. Thus, the preservation, restoration, and analysis of radiation exposure medical and environmental data in the Southern Urals are extremely important to the United States and to the world. The Southern Urals' database may provide an opportunity to answer the question of whether chronic low-level exposures pose a risk different from previously assumed.

Given these opportunities to advance our knowledge about the effects of ionizing radiation on humans and on the environment, on January 14, 1994, the Governments of the United States and the Russian Federation signed an Agreement on Cooperation in Research on Radiation Effects for the Purpose of Minimizing the Consequences of Radioactive Contamination on Health and the Environment. In diplomatic terms, a bilateral agreement is one of the highest levels of government-to-government agreements. The Agreement was renewed in 2000 and again in 2007 through January 14, 2009.

The bilateral radiation effects research conducted under the auspices of the JCCRER is referred to as the Russian Health Studies Program. It is administered by the Department of Energy's Office of International Health Studies in the United States and by the Federal Medical Biological Agency (FMBA) for radiation health effects research and the Ministry for Civil Defense Affairs, Emergencies, and the Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM) for radiation accidents.

What is the Russian Health Studies Program?

JCCRER projects funded by DOE comprise DOE's Russian Health Studies Program.

The Russian Health Studies Program was developed to assess worker and public health risks from radiation exposure resulting from nuclear weapons production activities in the former Soviet Union. The goals and objectives are to:

  1. Better understand the relationship between health effects and chronic, low-to-medium dose radiation exposures
  2. Estimate radiation-induced cancer risks from exposure to gamma, neutron, and alpha radiation; and
  3. Provide information to national and international organizations engaged in determining and validating radiation protection standards/practices.

Presently, DOE supports radiation dose reconstruction studies, epidemiologic studies, molecular and radiobiological studies, and a tissue repository. All research is focused on workers at Mayak Production Association, Russia's first nuclear weapons production facility, and on residents in communities surrounding the facility. In Fiscal Year 2007, researchers published over 25 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.

What are the principal areas of cooperation under the JCCRER Agreement?

Under the provisions of the Agreement, the associated work deals broadly with research in the field of effects of ionizing radiation. Currently, three different research directions are supported: population studies (Direction 1); worker studies (Direction 2); and emergency management (Direction 3). The various projects under each direction are jointly conducted by both U.S. and Russian principal investigators and their respective teams of researchers.

Who are the members of the JCCRER?

U.S. JCCRER Members:

Department of Energy (DOE), Co-chair: Glenn Podonsky
Department of Defense (DoD): Ellen Embrey
Department of Health & Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Charles Miller
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Elizabeth Cotsworth
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): Richard Williams
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Sher Bahadur

Russian JCCRER Members:

Ministry for Civil Defense Affairs, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM), Co-chair: Vladimir Puchkov
Federal Medical Biological Agency (FMBA): Mikhail Kieslev
Rosatom: Evgeny Evstratov

What is the role of the U.S. JCCRER?

The U.S. JCCRER functions as the clearinghouse of projects on health effects of radiation with the Russian Federation, funded by member agencies. This includes:

  • Promoting joint U.S./Russian workshops;
  • Minimizing duplication of projects on the same population;
  • Encouraging similar projects on different populations; and
  • Facilitating the integration of projects being funded by different agencies.

Note: The U.S. JCCRER does not function as a manager or overseer of all projects. It is the responsibility of each funding agency to manage its projects.

How does the JCCRER function?

The day-to-day business is conducted by the JCCRER Executive Committee, which consists of representatives of JCCRER member agencies. The JCCRER Executive Committee ensures direct communication among the partners within the Agreement, coordinates the work of national organizations, and ensures the effective and efficient implementation of JCCRER goals and objectives.

Although it was envisioned that the full JCCRER meet once a year in alternating countries, the successful implementation of the projects within the Russian Health Studies Program has resulted in less need for annual meetings.

Who are the members of the JCCRER Executive Committee?

U.S. JCCRER Executive Committee Members:

Department of Energy (DOE), Co-chair: Patricia Worthington
Department of Defense (DoD):
Patricia Lillis-Hearne
Department of Health & Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
Jane Coury
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
Jerome Puskin
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):
Francis Cucinotta
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC): Vincent Holahan

Russian JCCRER Executive Committee Members:

Federal Medical Biological Center (FMBC) Victor Nazarov
Ministry of Health and Social Development (MINZDRAV),
Victor Nazarov
Federal Atomic Energy Agency(FAEA): Alexander Ivanov
Mayak Production Association (Mayak):

Yury Gladolenko

Scientific Review Group

Projects conducted under the auspices of the JCCRER are reviewed by independent U.S. and Russian Scientific Review Groups (SRG). The primary purpose of the SRG is to critically review and evaluate technical progress reports and proposals and recommendation research priorities to DOE and FMBA.

U.S. SRG Members:

Nolan Hertel, Co-Chair Georgia Institute of Technology
Harold Beck, Retired DOE Environmental Measurements Laboratory
Scott Davis Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
William Morgan University of Maryland School of Medicine
David Rush Professor Emeritus, Tufts University
Rodney Withers University of California, Los Angeles, Medical Center

Russian SRG Members:

Leonid Ilyin, Co-Chair State Research Center Institute of Biophyics
Angelina Guskova State Research Center Institute of Biophysics
Victor Ivanov Russian National Academy of Medical Sciences
Evgenia Aksel Oncological Scientific Center
Evgeny Kramer-Ageev Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute
Samuel Yarmonenko Oncological Scientific Center

Which institutions in Russia are currently participating in JCCRER activities?

Southern Urals Biophysics Institute (SUBI), Ozersk
Mayak Production Association, Ozersk
Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine (URCRM), Chelyabinsk
State Research Center Institute of Biophysics of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow


This page was last updated on April 08, 2009
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