NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Extreme Science on Earth's Highest Lakes

    This past October 29th, Nathalie Cabrol and her team traveled to the highest volcanic lakes in the world to continue her work on the NAI funded High Lakes Project (HLP). This is the 6th year of the project and they are, right now, busy collecting data to characterize the response of these lakes to climate variability in one of the best terrestrial environmental analogs to early Mars.

    To share in the ongoing adventure, see this project’s blog, read up on the science and enjoy some great pictures.

    Source: [High Lakes 2008]

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    1. Jan 1, 2009
      amit joshi said:

      Dear madam, it was truly a great experience just while i read it and viewed the images of simbad lake.what must have been yours when you were actually there ! I would like to congratulate you and give my regards for undertaking such a heroic expedition. I also request you to kindly send me some more details and photos of simbad lake and your other undertakings.Hoping to hear from you soon.Thanks….—AMIT JOSHI

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