Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Seminar Detail

    Illuminating The Black Box That Is Fossil Kerogen

    Illuminating The Black Box That Is Fossil Kerogen

    Presenter: Andrew Czaja ()

    June 14, 2004 01:00 PM Pacific

    Understanding the processes of fossilization is vital to the
    interpretation of fossils themselves, especially of geochemical fossils. The
    search for past life on other planets will likely be the search for such
    biosignatures or, at best, morphologically intact fossil "microbes".
    However, the interpretation of ancient microfossils found even in
    terrestrial sediments has been hotly debated for years. It is for this
    reason that new techniques and approaches to organic chemical
    characterization of morphological fossils and geochemical biosignatures
    must be developed.

    Laser-Raman spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
    and pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry are three such
    techniques. This study involves the use of these three techniques to analyze
    the structural chemistry of a modern fern (Dennstaedtia cicutaria) and its
    Eocene-aged three dimensionally permineralized fossil analogue
    (Dennstaedtiopsis aerenchymata) as well as representative individual
    structural biochemicals of fern cell walls. Specimens of the modern fern and
    aliquots of the biochemicals have been anoxically thermally degraded to
    simulate the alteration that occurs during diagenesis and resultant

    Results thus far are promising. The analyses show that there is a
    wealth of chemical information preserved in the fossil organic matter that
    is of sufficient quality to be informative about its original composition.
    Moreover, the heating experiments show that the organic matter of the modern
    fern can be converted into carbonaceous matter that closely resembles that
    of the fossil fern, providing new insight into the processes and products of
    geochemical maturation. The three analytical techniques investigated, useful
    for analyzing fossil terrestrial organic matter, hold promise for studies of
    extraterrestrial materials as well.

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