Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Seminar Detail

    Probing<br />
the  Limits of Earth¹s Deep Biosphere<br />

    the Limits of Earth¹s Deep Biosphere

    Presenter: David Smith ()

    February 24, 2003 12:00 AM Pacific

    Dr. David Smith of the University of Rhode
    Island will be giving his talk titled, "Life in Marine Sediments: Probing
    the Limits of Earth¹s Deep Biosphere."

    February 24th at 11:00am PST.

    Participation Instructions

    To participate via videoconference:

    Reserve your videoconference room and contact Estelle Dodson to arrange your Polycom connection for the seminar. The slides will be shared using WebEx ( ), follow the link to "Directors Seminar". The password is "sediments". To view the slides using your full screen, select full screen" from the View" menu. The slides will automatically advance at your site when the presenter advances them at their site. After the presentation, there will be a ten minute question and answer session. If you have any problems during the presentation, you can post a comment in the chat room to Estelle.

    If you have not installed WebEx on your machine, you can do so by selecting Assistance" on the NAI WebEx site ( then click on Support". From here you can download the proper installer for your operating system and follow the installation instructions.

    To participate via the internet:

    To participate from your desktop machine you will need to have RealPlayer and WebEx installed on your computer. RealPlayer will be used to watch and hear the presenter, WebEx will be used to view the slides and post questions using the chat feature. If you have not used these applications before, please allow 15-30 minutes to install them.

    To view the RealPlayer portion of the seminar, click here. (

    To view the slides using WebEx click here, and follow the link to "Directors Seminar". The password is "sediments". To view the slides using your full screen, select full screen" from the View" menu. The slides will automatically advance on your screen when the presenter advances them at their site. After the presentation, there will be a ten minute question and answer session. If you have any problems during the presentation, you can post a comment in the chat room to Estelle.

    If you have not installed WebEx on your machine, you can do so by selecting Assistance" on the NAI WebEx site ( then click on Support". From here you can download the proper installer for your operating system and follow the installation instructions.

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