NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Content with the tag: “dwarf star

  2. A Habitable World Around Gliese 581?

    Astronomers have discovered a far away planet around the M Dwarf star Gliese 581 that might be similar to Earth, but does it have life?’s SETI Thursday has the story…

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  3. Habitability of Planets Around M Dwarf Stars

    Multidisciplinary work from members of NAI’s SETI Institute Team and a host of collaborators across the NAI re-examines what is known at present about the potential for a terrestrial planet forming within, or migrating into, the classic liquid–surface–water habitable zone close to an M dwarf star. Their new paper, published in the current issue of Astrobiology, presents the summary conclusions of an interdisciplinary workshop sponsored by NAI and convened at the SETI Institute in 2005.

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