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SRB Data Sets


The NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) Release-3.0 data sets contains global 3-hourly, daily, monthly/3-hourly, and monthly averages of surface longwave and shortwave radiative parameters on a 1°x1° grid. Cloud amounts and other atmospheric state parameters, used as inputs to the models, are also included in the data sets. Primary inputs to the models include: visible and infrared radiances, and cloud and surface properties inferred from International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) pixel-level (DX) data; temperature and moisture profiles from GEOS-4 reanalysis product obtained from the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO); and column ozone amounts constituted from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) and TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) archives, and Stratospheric Monitoring-group's Ozone Blended Analysis (SMOBA), an assimilation product from NOAA's Climate Prediction Center. These data sets are also reformatted for the use of renewable energy and agricultural communities and made available through the Surface meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) website. SRB data sets are also available from Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) project and the Fast Longwave and SHortwave Radiative Fluxes (FLASHFlux) project. The latter project provides SRB data on a near real-time basis. Both projects make use of global observations from CERES and Moderate-resolution Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MODIS) instruments.

Release-3.0 products differ substantially from earlier SRB Releases (2.0 and 2.5) arising from numerous improvements of the algorithms and input data sets. Temporal coverage of Release-3.0 is also extended to June 2007; Release-2.5 ended in June 2005. On-line documentation provides information on all changes applicable to Release-3.0. Users are encouraged to consult on-line documentation prior to using these data sets.

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Available data products: 3 Hourly Averages | Daily Averages | Monthly Averages | 3 Hourly Monthly Averages

For convenience in ordering a specific data product, select the appropriate data set name in the data table below.

3 Hourly Averages
Data Set Name
(Select to Order)
Sample Software Parameter(s) Temporal Coverage
LW SRB_REL2.5_LW_3HRLY Readme_2.5_lw_3hrly | Fortran_2.5_lw_3hrly Cloud Forcing, Longwave Radiation, Net Radiation, Outgoing Longwave Radiation, Radiative Flux, Radiative Forcing 07/01/1983
SRB_REL2.5_LW_CLDPROPS_3HRLY Readme_2.5_lw_cldprops_3hrly | Fortran_2.5_lw_cldprops_3hrly Cloud Base Pressure, Cloud Effective Radius, Cloud Fraction, Cloud Optical Depth, Cloud Top Pressure, Cloud Top Temperature, Cloud Water Content, Day/Night Flag, Snow/Ice Fraction, Surface Emissivity, Surface Skin Temperature, Total Column Precipitable Water 07/01/1983
SRB_REL2.5_QCLW_3HRLY Readme_2.5_qclw_3hrly | Fortran_2.5_qclw_3hrly Cloud Forcing, Longwave Radiation 07/01/1983
SW SRB_REL3.0_SW_3HRLY Readme_3.0_shortwave_3hrly | Fortran_3.0_shortwave_3hrly Clear-sky Surface Solar Irradiance, Clear-sky TOA Reflected Solar Flux, Incoming Shortwave Radiation, Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Radiative Flux, Solar Irradiance, Solar Radiation, Viewing Geometry. 07/01/1983
Daily Averages
Data Set Name
(Select to Order)
Sample Software Parameter(s) Temporal Coverage
LW SRB_REL2.5_LW_DAILY Readme_2.5_lw_daily | Fortran_2.5_lw_daily Cloud Forcing, Longwave Radiation, Net Radiation, Outgoing Longwave Radiation, Radiative Flux, Radiative Forcing 07/01/1983
SRB_REL2.5_QCLW_DAILY Readme_2.5_qclw_daily | Fortran_2.5_qclw_daily Cloud Forcing, Longwave Radiation 07/01/1983
Readme_3.0_shortwave_daily | Fortran_3.0_shortwave_daily Viewing Geometry, Incoming Shortwave Radiation, Radiative Flux, Solar Irradiance, Solar Radiation, Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Clear-sky Surface Solar Irradiance, Clear-sky TOA Reflected Solar Flux 07/01/1983
Monthly Averages
Data Set Name
(Select to Order)
DocumentsSample Read Software Parameter(s) Temporal Coverage
LW SRB_REL2.5_LW_MONTHLY Readme_2.5_lw_monthly | Fortran_2.5_lw_monthly Cloud Forcing, Longwave Radiation, Net Radiation, Outgoing Longwave Radiation, Radiative Flux, Radiative Forcing 07/01/1983
SRB_REL2.5_QCLW_MONTHLY Readme_2.5_qclw_monthly | Fortran_2.5_qclw_monthly Cloud Forcing, Longwave Radiation 07/01/1983
Readme_3_sw_monthly | Fortran_3_sw_monthly Viewing Geometry, Incoming Shortwave Radiation, Radiative Flux, Solar Irradiance, Solar Radiation, Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Clear-sky Surface Solar Irradiance, Clear-sky TOA Reflected Solar Flux 07/01/1983
3 Hourly Monthly Averages
Data Set Name
(Select to Order)
Sample Software Parameter(s) Temporal Coverage
LW SRB_REL2.5_LW_3HRLY_MONTHLY Readme_2.5_lw_3hrly_monthly | Fortran_2.5_lw_3hrly_monthly Cloud Forcing, Longwave Radiation, Net Radiation, Outgoing Longwave Radiation, Radiative Flux, Radiative Forcing 07/01/1983
SRB_REL2.5_QCLW_3HRLY_MONTHLY Readme_2.5_qclw_3hrly_monthly | Fortran_2.5_qclw_3hrly_monthly Cloud Forcing, Longwave Radiation 07/01/1983
SW SRB_REL3.0_SW_3HRLY_MONTHLY Readme_3_sw_3hrly_monthly | Fortran_3_sw_3hrly_monthly Clear-sky Surface Solar Irradiance, Clear-sky TOA Reflected Solar Flux, Incoming Shortwave Radiation, Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Radiative Flux, Solar Irradiance, Solar Radiation, Viewing Geometry. 07/01/1983

Please refer to SRB Previously Released Datasets if you need older versions of these data.

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