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111th Empowerment Agenda


Economic Growth Through Tax Stimulus Act – (H.R. 301)
Instead of borrowing and spending hundreds of billions of dollars on government projects and programs that will neither stimulate the economy nor speed its recovery, Congress can increase jobs and output in our economy by preventing pending tax increases and by sharply cutting individual and business tax rates.  This approach empowers individuals and employers to succeed in the economy rather than making them dependent on government, in addition it provides businesses the certainty they deserve.

Monitoring Stimulus Expenditures – Amendments to H.R. 1 (Stimulus)
Americans are rightfully concerned that the Administration’s plan to spend more than a trillion dollars on many non-essential projects does not stimulate the economy.  Congressman Neugebauer submitted three amendments to H.R. 1 that would significantly reduce spending and increase transparency:
1) Remove $355 billion in spending provisions we can’t afford.
2) Require the government’s Chief Performance Officer to report to Congress, testify in open session and include the Government Accountability Office (GAO) when conducting oversight.
3) Substitute H.R. 301 for the “Stimulus” bill, favoring tax relief instead of massive spending.

Promoting Empowerment Through Innovative Health Care Solutions Act – (H. Res. 64)
Government can empower health group cooperatives, formed at no cost the taxpayer, that allow small businesses to work with local health care providers to offer comprehensive coverage to those previously uninsured and reduce costs.  States and communities should follow the example of Texas and the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, which enabled small business employers and employees to access health care coverage benefits available to large businesses.

Opportunity for Family Farms and Small Businesses Act – (H.R. 533)
Tax fairness empowers farms and small businesses to grow and create new jobs, which support our communities and overall economy.  Rather than take more revenue out of family farms and small businesses that could help them grow, Congress should empower them to succeed with tax policy that rewards hard work, investment, savings and those who provide health care coverage for their employees and families.

Working Small Business Paperwork Relief Act – (H.R. 535)
Federal government paperwork requirements can be complicated and burdensome for small businesses, our nation’s top job creators.  It is easy for small businesses to make unintentional mistakes or miss deadlines when filing paperwork.  Withholding the fine for first-time, inadvertent violations empowers small businesses to work through government red tape in a more productive manner.

Education Savings Incentives Act – (H.R. 532)
This legislation allows Coverdell accounts to cover K-12 education expenses as well as college expenses, which helps parents save for their children’s education at all levels.   This empowers parents to choose the school, public or private, they deem most appropriate for their children. The bill also increases the contribution limit, helping more families pay for the escalating cost of higher education.  Better access to education will empower the next generation to develop and sharpen the skills necessary to compete and succeed in today’s economy.

Responsible Government Empowerment Act – (H.R. 534)
The federal government does not have an income problem; it has a spending problem.   In order to solve this problem, Congress needs to change the budget and spending process, empowering the federal government to set priorities and use common-sense limits on spending.